I know you dream of big stages, lights, and beautiful costumes.
I know you dream of leading roles in big companies.
I know you get giddy over new leotards and shiny new pointe shoes.
I know you love the feeling of flying across the floor during grande allegro.
I know you would rather dance than eat, sleep, or do your homework.
I know you look forward to Nutcracker auditions with much anticipation.
I know you dream of dancing as the Snow Queen and the Sugar Plum Fairy.
I know you don’t want to be on okay dancer, I know you want to be great.
I know that within those desires, mixed emotions of insecurity, doubt, and an over all attitude of “I can’t do this” try to seep into your good intentions.
I know that sometimes you don’t feel like going to ballet class, but I also know that you will feel better if you do.
I know that sometimes you get weary of facing that wall to wall mirror day in and day out, but I know that it’s helping you perfect your technique and artistry.
I know that your feet, calf muscles, and body in general hurt a lot, but I also know that you are forming your ballet muscles.
I know that sometimes you feel like you can’t do one more run through of snow corps, but I also know that that one more run through will make it feel easy when you get to the stage.
I know that sometimes you feel like your director doesn’t see you, but I also know he/she is likely recognizing your hard work and positive attitude.
I know that sometimes you wish you could do the lead roles without the corps work, but I also know that the corps work is where character, discipline, and strength is developed.
I know that sometimes you feel like giving up dancing because it’s plain hard, but I also know that you love it too much to give it up.
Know this dear, aspiring dancer….
Ballet is not for the faint of heart.
It’s tough.
It involves physical pain, bloody blisters, sore muscles, disappointments, and fatigue.
Fighting your way to the top in your own strength will only make it harder.
And to the PARENTS of young, aspiring dancers….
I am not a mama of a dancer….I am a soccer and baseball mom. :)
But I was a dancer, and I know want I needed from my parents.
Mommies and Daddies of dancers….
They need your encouragement and support without your hovering.
They need to hear from you that they are the most beautiful dancer out there on that stage.
They need you to encourage them when they feel like quitting.
They need to hear they are beautiful….over and over again.
They need you to tell them to go to class when they feel like staying home.
They need you to let them go off to summer programs to grow and learn.
They need you to let them talk your ear off about pointe shoes, leotards, choreography, and dreams of dancing roles, even when you can barely understand what language they are speaking.
They also need you to let them cry on your shoulder when they don’t know whether to keep going or to give it up.
They need you to know that dance is a really, really difficult thing to let go of, and they need you to be okay with when they decide to give it up.
They need to hear you cheering from the audience, and they need to see you waving during the bows.
They really do love it when you bring them flowers after a show, even if they don’t show it.
They need you to pray for them….
Because a dancer’s journey has it’s exciting and glamorous moments,
but it also has it’s really hard moments.
A dancer’s journey is full of highs AND lows.
So dancers….
Keep pressing on. And keep looking to Christ, who will show you each turn, each twist, and each path to take in this journey. He will guide you along the path that is BEST for you. Hold it up in surrender to Him. Let Him lead you….be willing to take the journey to the top and be just as willing to stop dancing when He shows you it’s time….because no matter what….
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
Helyn Thompson says
Beautiful and inspiring. You are beautiful and inspiring too. Love, H
Jennifer L says
I wish both my mom and I had read this when I was an anxious teen in ballet class! Thank you for the love and beautiful words.