“Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my sighing. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.” Psalm 5:3
Whatever that thing is this morning that is twirling your heart around in knots and causing a little more anxiety deep in your soul than you would like, I just want to hold out a bit of encouragement to you today from Psalm 5. I know what it feels like to feel like you cannot shake something that’s nipping away at your peace. It can feel like a little bee flying around your head that you keep swatting at, but it always seems to find its way back to you. It won’t seem to go away, and the more you swat at it, the more it seems to buzz around you.
We can bring everything, whether it is big, small, or somewhere in-between, right to the Lord…
“consider my sighing…listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray…You hear my voice; I lay my requests before you…”
Our God is so personable. Sometimes I get all wonky inside because I feel like my stuff that I bring to the Lord is pretty silly and petty in comparison to the big things of the world going on around me. But I am reminded today that He doesn’t seem to care how big our things are, He simply cares that we bring our things to Him. But sometimes after we bring our things to Him, we still feel the inner twirling driving us bonkers, right? The very last bit of Psalm 5:3 says,
“and wait in expectation.”
My heart seems to forget that sweet part. So we rehearse the truth that we must wait in expectation for God to move in our situation over and over again in our hearts until our hearts dance with the sweet muscle memory of truths we know, but that we so easily forget…
Wait for Him.
He’s working.
Relief is coming.
Peace is on its way.
That thing will get worked out.
You don’t have to figure it out.
God’s handling it.
You don’t have to handle it.
Keep praying.
Keep bringing it to Him.
Trust Him.
Nothing is too small or silly for Him.
Keep rehearsing truth.
Expect Him to show up.
So that’s what we do. We dance the truth of God day by day, rehearsing it over and over. We let the words of His holy pages of Scripture run through our hearts and allow it to deepen our faith in Him. We rehearse it until the inner twirling of anxiety or the frustration or the disappointment or whatever it is stops stealing our peace. He loves to work in and through those inner twirlings of your heart. So keep bringing it all to Him. Keep asking for His help. Keep praying. And then wait in sweet expectation.
He always shows up, sweet one.
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