A ballerina has to literally start over every single day. Every new day, she must begin the process of preparing mentally for a full day of rehearsals ahead, warming up her body so that her muscles can handle the strenuous load of dancing for the day, and emotionally gearing up to dance confidently and professionally in the midst of the everyday pressures of being a ballerina. Every day it’s back to square one. Every day there’s a fresh slate to start fresh.
This gets me thinking about life and this dance of faith. Every single day is a new day. Every single day is a fresh slate of grace.
“Because of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!” Lamentations 3:22-23
I think it’s so easy to get stuck in the grind of the every day, that we easily miss the joy and grace of a new, fresh day! Often in the hustle and bustle of our morning routine in the Marr camp, it takes me awhile to comprehend the joy and grace of a new day! Lunches packed, backpacks zipped up, teeth brushed, hair combed, shoes ties, breakfast in tummies, doggie fed…we do this sometimes humorous dance of dashing out the door to beat the tardy bell and after we make it, I breathe a sigh of relief and off with my day I go. But too often, I slip into go-mode instead of taking some time to breathe in the grace of a new day. To breathe in the gift of God and His love and mercy. To breathe in His faithfulness. To recount the ways He’s so generously lavished His love on me both for eternity and for this earth-life.
Often when I was dancing full-time, I had to give myself a pep talk for the full load of rehearsals ahead. It went something like this…
“God is with you. He’s trained you up for this. Be confident in the skin you’re in. Don’t worry about being perfect, just dance. Enjoy the gift of dancing. Don’t miss the joy. Don’t get caught up in the negative stuff. Dance from your heart. Be strong and courageous.”
But many days, I rushed into the studio unprepared and kind of slid through the day, feeling like it was a heavy weight of pressure, measuring up, and a quest for perfection. When I was in that zone, the day lacked joy. Instead, it became this hustle instead of a day of savoring dancing.
You know, our enemy does not want us to enjoy the grace and joy of a new day. He wants to weigh us down with stress, anxiety, and whatever else he can distract us with so that we see each new day as a hustle instead of a savoring, joyful dance.
But we were made for dancing.
So today, I pass on my little pep talk to you with a few extra jewels for your heart…
God is with you in this precious and glorious day. He’s trained you up for this day. Be confident in the skin you’re in. Don’t worry about living this day perfectly, just dance it with Him. Enjoy the gift of THIS day. Don’t miss the joy. Don’t get caught up in the negative stuff. Dance/live from your heart. Be strong and courageous. And let His mercies and faithfulness fall fresh on you today as you dance/live in His grace. You have a fresh start today. Today is a new day. There is new grace for your heart for THIS day. Dance in grace.
“This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24
Donna Jenkins says
Very true, love this.