No one can prepare you for the love that you will feel for your children. No one can prepare you for the way it makes you realize how much your own parents love you. I became a mommy about eight and a half years ago. I remember Brian and I decided to THINK about starting a family after watching our cute little nephew, Shane. He was the cutest little thing ever, and we started imagining what it would be like to have our own one day. I love telling each of my boys the story of when they were born. Camp knows that after rearranging my living room furniture at nine months pregnant….my water broke, and he was born the next morning. He knows that he was born with a head full of beautiful brown hair and chocolate brown eyes – same colors as Mommy. Cooper knows that he came right on time, that he was born big and strong, and that his hair matched his Daddy’s and his eyes matched his Mommy’s. The bond Camp and Cooper had from the beginning was so special….they were brothers. Colt knows that when he was born, Mommy and Daddy couldn’t get over how tiny he seemed…and that God gave him beautiful blue eyes. He knows that he came two weeks early, and that I folded loads and loads of laundry as I waited to go to the hospital just to pass the time. They all know that morning sickness and I did not get along, but they made it better just by being there with me through it. When my big boys met their baby brother, it was an instantaneous connection…..three brothers.
No one can prepare you for the love, the joy, the ups, and the downs of motherhood. No one can prepare you how much it hurts your heart when they are sick, hurt, or sad. And no one can prepare you for the simple joys of eating popsicles on the the back porch or taking adventure walks looking for doodle bugs and special treasures. No one can prepare you for the hardest, yet most rewarding job you will ever do. No one can prepare you for the physical exertion, exhaustion, and responsibilities of being a mom. (and a Dad!) No one can prepare you for the tugging of your heart strings that motherhood will bring on…..
No one can prepare you, but we as moms, can watch the moms ahead of us. I had the best example. I had the best teacher. And I still have the best supporter, encourager, listener, and prayer warrior in this season of motherhood. I love hearing my Mom tell me the story that when she found out I was a girl, she cried, and she held me on her shoulder all day in the hospital. I love that my Mom was always there, helped me with anything at the drop of a hat….and I had know idea that she might have been tired, maybe weary, or maybe feeling unnoticed. Now I know. Now I know all that she did for me and my brothers and sister…..but the thing is….she is still doing it. She is still there, always listening, always encouraging. I love that my Mom and I have “mental telepathy” as we like to say…..that every time one of us calls the other, we always say, “I was just about to call you.” I love that we talk pretty much every day. I love that if we haven’t talked in a couple days, she always knows something is up. One of my favorite things about my Mom is that she models what it means to support and encourage your husband. She is my Dad’s biggest fan, and I hope that is what I am to my Brian.
My Mom passed her faith down to me….quietly and gently she lives out her faith….and I see it, I notice it, and I want to be just like her. Her company is my favorite thing. It doesn’t have to be a special occasion. Usually a coffee in her two chairs by her fireplace is my favorite spot to sit and chat. She knows the dreams of my heart, but she also gets the tug I feel to throw it all out the window, just to stay home with my boys and put all my energy into raising them. She has heard all the ups and downs of wanting to dance, teach, and now write, and she always seems to know just what to say, and just what to pray. She has always encouraged me to keep on dreaming… always keep on dreaming and listening to the Lord. I could go on and on……my sister used to say that I was good at writing mushy letters…..:) I admit, I like writing mushy letters! This one is for you, Mom. And I know that you too, had the best teacher as well. :)
To all the mommies out there and to all the gals who are hoping to be a mommy in the future…..know that God loves you beyond what you can grasp. Know that He’s got you in the palm of His hand. Put all your strength, doubts, worries, and burdens into His care. Motherhood requires supernatural strength, and there is One who can give that to you. Remember that you do not have to do your day in your own strength. (all wisdom from my Mom)
To all my family members who support me through motherhood: my sis, my granny, sis-n-laws & cousins, mom-n-law, aunts, and grandmothers, Dad, brothers, bro-n-laws, grandfathers, nephews, etc…..I love doing life with you.
To the three little hearts that have me wrapped around your fingers (Camp, Cooper, and Colt) ….thanks for making being a Mom so fun, so sweet, so special. You make me feel so loved and I am so proud and honored to be your Mommy.
And to the husband who I get to share it all with. I want to grow old with you. :)
Beverly Marr says
Sarah, that was very special and beautifully written from your heart! I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day and know your heart will be full. You bless so many, especially Brian, Camp, Cooper and Colt! Love, Beverly
Sarah Marr says
Thanks for your sweet words!
Donna says
What a most special Mother’s Day gift, Sarah. You are such a gift to me. Thank you for those sweet words. That means the world to me as you will know someday when your sons come back and bless you with their sweet praise and thanks you’s. I love you.
Sarah Marr says
Thanks for your sweet comment!
Nancy Hinckley says
Just beautifully shared from the heart, Sarah!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Sarah Marr says
Thanks so much sweet, Nancy! Hope you had a special Mother’s Day!