“But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.” Psalm 1:2 (NLT)
Learning a new ballet is always fun and exciting. It always feels like a fresh start and a clean slate. The process of learning the choreography for a ballet is exactly that….a process. In the professional world of ballet, dancers have to be mentally alert, quick, and have a great memory. Typically the choreographer will show a new piece of choreography a couple of times, and then expect the dancers to know it. My heart always gets beating a little faster when I start to feel the pressure to know the choreography in a hurry. The more pressure there is, the harder it is for me to remember the steps. Not fun. But most times in the studio, the choreographer knows the dancers’ limits as to how much new choreography they can retain in one rehearsal period. Once our brains become overwhelmed with too much choreography, it becomes difficult to remember any of the steps. When our brains and muscles “get” the choreography, dancers can do the steps practically in their sleep.
I think studying the Bible can be like this. When we try to take in too much new information all at once, it’s hard to remember anything. We will remember more if we go slow, studying it, meditating on it, really taking it in….
Maybe for you it is reading one or two Bible verses a day, writing them down on index cards, and just going over them throughout the day. Or maybe for you it is going back and reviewing what you read during your time with the Lord. Find a devotional book you like, a workbook or Bible study, whatever helps you study God’s word. Grab a journal and a pen and write down the things God shows you. I want to encourage you that God has a word for you everyday. He has a personal message for you. So go slow as you study God’s Word. As you slowly study, one day at a time, you will be able to hear His personal message for you for that day. And when you go day by day with Jesus, He keeps you in the center of His will. As you get to know His Word, remember you are getting to know Him.
Prayer: “Dear Lord, help me go slow as I study Your Word. Help me take in Your Word one day at a time and let it sink in.”
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