“Jesus said to them, ‘My Father is ALWAYS AT WORK to this very day, and I too, AM WORKING.'” John 5:17
As you go about your day today, remember that God is at work in YOUR life. Watch for His activity in your life. Invite Him into the details of your day. It is easy for us to just ask for God’s help in the “big” stuff. But He wants us to invite Him into the seemingly “little” stuff. When we leave Him out of the details, the stress of carrying it all on our own two shoulders becomes heavy and the pressure of that stress squelches the joy out of our day. But when we let Him in, He carries our burdens on His shoulders, and we are free to live in His grace.
So this one is for all of you….Mommies of little ones who are working so hard at home all day long but maybe feel like no one gets it; for the dancers in the studio literally putting blood, sweat, and tears into their rehearsals and maybe feel unsure if they are good enough or if it’s worth it; for the women all over who feel burdened from the weight of responsibilities you are carrying today….
Know today that GOD IS ALWAYS AT WORK IN YOUR LIFE….even when you can’t feel it. And many times, just when you think God is far off, and not doing anything in your life, He will surprise you, just to let you know that He’s there.
What details of your day do you need to give over to Jesus today?
Prayer: “Dear Lord, sometimes I feel bad for asking for your help in the little things because it feels like I should be strong enough to handle that kind of stuff. But Lord, I am tired of carrying everything on my own shoulders. This thing I am in…..(potty training, sleep deprivation, difficult rehearsals, stressful work schedule, loneliness….whatever it is for you) is sapping the joy from my heart. I want to feel joy as I go about my day, and I need You to show me how to let You in. So Lord, please come into the details of my life, and let me know today that you truly are at work in my life.”
Leslie says
Thanks for the good reminder that His shoulders are strong enough for all my gunk. Xoxo
Nancy Hinckley says
So wise, Sarah…He loves and so desires to walk with us in every aspect of our lives… No matter how small….