“In the Lord I take refuge.”Psalm 11:1a
Today, maybe your heart needs a reminder, a little full out, clear and gentle reminder that God’s plan is GOODÂ , BETTER, and BEST. Sometimes our hearts are tempted to forget. Sometimes our hearts need a reminder…
When the path ahead is unclear, when the path you’ve been walking or dancing through suddenly seems to take a u-turn, when the road ahead seems foggy, don’t let discouragement have it’s way in your heart.
What if we saw that u-turn, that fork in the road, that fogginess as a sign that God is ON THE MOVE. What if we saw that sudden stop sign in our plans and our dreams as a YIELD sign… “Daughter, yield it all over to Me. Let go of your plans, let go of your dreams, and yield…let me pass in front of you, let me get back in the driver’s seat, let me take over in your life.”
A fork in the road, a roadblock, or a stop sign in our dancing career or our life in general may simply be…GOD AT WORK.
He wants to orchestrate. He wants to lead. He wants to work things out in His way, His timing, and on His terms because He LOVES YOU THAT MUCH. He doesn’t want you to miss His beautiful plan for YOUR life.
So today, when your heart is tempted to doubt and to give in to discouragement, instead, rejoice that GOD IS ON THE MOVE FOR YOU and IN HIM YOU CAN TAKE REFUGE.
Prayer: “Dear Lord, let my heart take refuge in You today. Remind me that Your plan is best. Remind me that You are and always will be at work in my life. Help me yield my plans over to You, trusting that Your plan is far better.”
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